Saturday, October 22, 2011

Please return unsold popcorn to Mark this weekend or Monday morning

The sale ends today!  Congratulations and thanks for your work.

Per my email below, please return unsold popcorn this weekend
(or Monday morning).

I have to return it to the Council office before the end of the day Monday, or else we are stuck with it!
I'll be around most of this weekend (afternoons and evenings are best, Sunday morning is booked), or feel free to call (my cell phone is working again) and set up a time for this weekend, or Monday morning if you are out of town this weekend.

Also please bring in your money and order forms, and let me know what PRIZES to order for your scouts. I'll email the prize information again in case you don't have it.
I have to make prize orders to the Council by end of day TUESDAY.

Also by the end of day Tuesday, I have to order any popcorn
that you sold that either you didn't have in stock,
or I don't have in my garage.  So let me know if you need
anything along those lines.

I think that's it.  Thanks again!
